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  为期四天的共和党全国大会(Republic National Convention)结束了。Trump正式接受共和党内的总统候选提名,参加11月的大选。


  1、 Trump及其幕僚没有提出关于未来四年的具体政策,而是继续制造恐惧(manufacture fear)和散布谎言,当谎言重复一千次的时候,不但Trump的粉丝能够相信这些谎言,连反对派及媒体都有些无所适从了:对于民主党及主流受教育人群而言,有小一半的美国人仿佛生活在另外一个宇宙。在主流媒体上揭露Trump的谎言对Trump的基本盘起不到任何效果,反而还会被这小一半美国人称为fake news。美国已经完全进入后真相时代,不同的人群相信不同的真相。

  2、 Trump竭尽全力散布恐惧,对Biden及民主党进行妖魔化,将Biden描绘为一系列的毁灭者:

  "destroyer of American jobs",

  "destroyer of American Greatness",

  "[represents/allows] a radical movement to completely dismantle and destroy [the American Way of Life]"

  (毁灭美国的工作,毁灭美国的伟大,让一场激进运动毁灭美国式的生活方式);"如果Biden当选,中国将拥有我们的国家(China would own our country if Joe Biden got elected".)

  3、 Biden被Trump描绘为“社会主义特洛伊木马”。


  (Biden is a Trojan horse for socialism.

  If Joe Biden doesn't have the strength to stand up to wild-eyed Marxists like Bernie Sanders and his fellow radicals, then how is he ever going to stand up FOR you?)

  过去几十年,Biden一直是美国政治的中枢,不左不右,Trump及幕僚研究了半天,觉得很难对Biden的政治立场进行攻击,于是转而将Biden描绘为一个可能被民主党激进左翼(Radical Left)操纵的昏庸的老头儿(Sleep Joe),民主党左翼即指Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren及“AOC”(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)等拥护进步主义/社会主义的政客。Trump认为Biden年事已高,这届政府就是过度,当选后就会被左翼操纵和利用。老一代美国人极为惧怕社会主义和共产主义,认为这是对传统美国政治价值、生活方式、社会建制的存在威胁(existential threat)。本来Biden是一个左右两边都能接受的温和中间派,为了打击他,Trump就将Biden描绘为脑子已经不灵光,是激进左翼的傀儡,其作为特洛伊木马被植入华盛顿,一旦进入华盛顿,就会释放社会主义力量。

  4、 “Trump党人”主导的共和党代表大会避免提及具体政策,而是诉诸恐惧和情感,通过散布美国生活即将毁灭的恐惧来鼓动自己的基本盘。这和他2016年的套路一样。而2020年的Trump虽然是在任总统。却仍然试图将自己包装为华盛顿的外来者、挑战者(insurgent),将Biden及民主党精英表述为华盛顿既得利益者,这是主政白宫的Trump让Biden“被反客为主”,继续煽动自己的基本盘对抗“华盛顿精英”。

  5、 这些天美国最严重的公共事件是威斯康辛州Kenosha的暴乱。黑人Jacob Blake在街头被白人警察由身后连射七枪(居然生还,只是致瘫),然后爆发了大规模的抗议及升级的暴乱。这时,一些持械的白人(都是Trump的支持者)组织起来,参与到街头维护治安活动。其中一名17岁的青年Kyle Rittenhouse在与抗议者冲突时被抗议者围攻,射杀了两名抗议者、打伤一人,并在混乱中离去。在场警察没有采取任何措施,到了第二天才将其抓获。这就是2020年美国的现状:疑似持械或被认为会给警察造成威胁的黑人可以随时在街头被射杀;而在街头公开持枪的白人却可以被认定是与执法队伍一方的守法公民。如此严重的种族问题引发了更多规模的抗议(包括NBA罢赛)。这个事件爆发的同时,共和党全国大会正在进行。Trump说了什么呢?和过往一样,,没有对警察暴力进行谴责,没有对种族冲突做出分析,没有对暴力表示遗憾,做出回应,提出美国应该团结,而是明确站在基本盘的一边,谴责抗议者的暴力行为,而且还具体谴责到民主党治理的城市:



  (In the strongest possible terms, the Republican Party condemns the rioting, looting, arson and violence we have seen in Democrat-run cities like Kenosha, Minneapolis, Portland, Chicago, and New York)

  Trump在这场种族冲突中是明确站队,站在他的中低层白人基本盘一边,支持警察,强调“法律与秩序”(law and order),实际上谴责整个左翼抗议运动。

  距离大选还有两个月的时间。Trump很明显是希望看到更多的暴力。他看到,威斯康辛“黑命攸关”(Black Lives Matter)的暴力抗议活动就是为COVID-19疫情问题翻盘的机会,暴力越严重,Trump的白人基本盘就越反感,而民主党如果羞于表态,就可能使得厌倦暴力的白人们重回支持Trump。



  不过,拥护Trump但传统上支持民主党的中低层白人——所谓的“Trump Democrats”,与80年代转投里根的民主党人(Reagan Democrats)非常相似,美国政治经历的只是一次回归,当然也可能是回光返照。


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  Transcript of Trump’s Speech at 2020 RNC

  1)“For 47 years, Joe Biden took the donations of blue collar workers, gave them hugs and even kisses, and told them he felt their pain – and then he flew back to Washington and voted to ship their jobs to China and many other distant lands. Joe Biden spent his entire career outsourcing the dreams of American Workers, offshoring their jobs, opening their borders, and sending their sons and daughters to fight in endless foreign wars.”


  2)“Washington insiders asked me NOT to stand up to China – they pleaded with me to let China continue stealing our jobs, ripping us off, and robbing our country blind. But I kept my word to the American People. We took the toughest, boldest, strongest, and hardest hitting action against China in American History.”


  3)By the end of my first term, we will have approved more than 300 federal judges, including two great new Supreme Court Justices. To bring prosperity to our forgotten inner cities, we worked hard to pass historic criminal justice reform, prison reform, opportunity zones, the long-term funding of historically black colleges and universities, and, before the China Virus came in, produced the best unemployment numbers for African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans ever recorded.


  4)Biden’s record is a shameful roll call of the most catastrophic betrayals and blunders in our lifetime. He has spent his entire career on the wrong side of history. Biden voted for the NAFTA disaster, the single worst trade deal ever enacted; he supported China's entry into the World Trade Organization, one of the greatest economic disasters of all time. After those Biden calamities, the United States lost 1 in 4 manufacturing jobs. The laid off workers in Michigan, Ohio, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and many other states didn't want Joe Biden's hollow words of empathy, they wanted their jobs back!


  5)As Vice President, he supported the Trans Pacific Partnership which would have been a death sentence for the U.S. Auto Industry; he backed the horrendous South Korea trade deal, which took many jobs from our country. He repeatedly supported mass amnesty for illegal immigrants. He voted FOR the Iraq War; he opposed the mission to take out Osama bin Laden; he opposed killing Soleimani; he oversaw the rise of ISIS, and cheered the rise of China as "a positive development" for America and the world. That's why China supports Joe Biden and desperately wants him to win.


  6)China would own our country if Joe Biden got elected. Unlike Biden, I will hold them fully accountable for the tragedy they caused.


  7)In recent months, our nation, and the rest of the world, has been hit with a once-in-a-century pandemic that China allowed to spread around the globe.


  8)When the China Virus hit, we launched the largest national mobilization since World War II. Invoking the Defense Production Act, we produced the world's largest supply of ventilators.


  9)Unfortunately, from the beginning, our opponents have shown themselves capable of nothing but a partisan ability to criticize. When I took bold action to issue a travel ban on China, Joe Biden called it hysterical and xenophobic. If we had listened to Joe, hundreds of thousands more Americans would have died.


  10)He has pledged a $4 trillion tax hike on almost all American families, which will totally collapse our rapidly improving economy and once again record stock markets. On the other hand, just as I did in my first term, I will cut taxes even further for hardworking moms and dads, not raise them. We will also provide tax credits to bring jobs out of China BACK to America – and we will impose tariffs on any company that leaves America to produce jobs overseas. We'll make sure our companies and jobs stay in our country, as I've already been doing. Joe Biden's agenda is Made in China. My agenda is MADE IN THE USA.


  11)Over the next four years, we will make America into the Manufacturing Superpower of the World. We will expand Opportunity Zones, bring home our medical supply chains, and we will end our reliance on China once and for all.


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67篇文章 2年前更新

